Image & Gallery Options Various ways of displaying image content

This theme offers multiple different ways of showcasing your beautiful artwork and photographs easily by having full support for the free Jetpack plugin from Automattic and offering several image alignments, including a full width breakout image style.

This page displays all the different ways images can be displayed.

Clicking on an image will open a full screen carousel which is also included in the Jetpack plugin

A caption can go here

A caption can go here

Full-Width Breakout Image

The theme offers a speacial class of ‘breakout’ to enable full-width image display just like the one above. Simply surround your image embed with a div class of ‘breakout’.

<div class="highlight">
<img class="size-full wp-image-1189" src="" alt="A caption can go here" width="1200" height="400" /> A caption can go here


Standard image embed with align none

Using the standard WordPress option of align none results in your image being displayed as shown above.

Standard image embed aligned to the left

gutenberg_portfolio24Add a little style to a few embedded images in your posts or pages by choosing to align left or align right when inserting in to the page like this example. The image doesn’t follow the flow of the document and has a negative margin so that it catches your eye when scanning the page.

Standard image embed aligned to the right

gutenberg_portfolio25Add a little style to a few embedded images in your posts or pages by choosing to align left or align right when inserting in to the page like this example. The image doesn’t follow the flow of the document and has a negative margin so that it catches your eye when scanning the page.

Jetpack Slideshow

Easily create a beautiful slideshow of images with the free Jetpack plugin from Automattic.

Jetpack Tiled Mosiac Gallery with carousel lightbox

Using the free Jetpack plugin from Automattic you have the ability to add gorgeous tiled mosiac galleries like the one above directly from within a page or a post. Images can be clicked and viewed larger With the carousel setting in Jetpack activated.

Jetpack Tiled Column Gallery

Easily create a beautiful tiled gallery of images with the free Jetpack plugin from Automattic.

Jetpack Square Tile Gallery

Easily create a beautiful square tile gallery of images with the free Jetpack plugin from Automattic.

Jetpack Circle Gallery

Easily create a beautiful circular style gallery of images with the free Jetpack plugin from Automattic.

WordPress standard Gallery with carousel

Create a standard gallery in WordPress with Jetpack carousel enabled, and choose to link images to the media file for an automatic full screen carousel.